Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan

Cast: Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel

Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 movie directed by Steven Spellberg. Tom Hanks portrait Captain John Miller who leads to the mission of Saving James Ryan.

The plot starts at the Omaha beach where the US troops attack the germans where they suffer great loss. After they reach the base they are informed to go to a mission to find James Private Ryan who is lead by Captain John Miller.

This was wartime. Everywhere chaos, destruction. Weapons, bombs danger, they move from place to place, meet troops also defended the attack.

They found Private Ryan and brief everything. Later they found that he is not the person whom they were seeking. There was a misunderstanding due to an identical name. They keep on going and finally found the person.

The captain explained everything to Private Ryan but he refused to go with the captain. He thought there was no point going home leaving war to take care of mother and war was not over yet.

Everywhere chaos, no protection of lives, wealth. Some lost their son, daughter, brother, sister, parents, family. Private Ryan was one of them who lost his three brothers.

 I was so sad when I saw the scene when the officers have to inform three soldiers dead news to their mother, who is the brothers of Private Ryan.

You can imagine what happens when the person who supports the family. The family suffers great trouble. Old parents have hope for their children. There is no person to take care of their children, their parents.

Private Ryan remembers his time with the captain and how he gave his life saving him. He remembers standing in front of the grave of Captain John.

Overall the movie has the war scenario perfectly. It is a Great War movie to watch. Actors have performed well in the movie. Everybody who participated in the war has lost many things and suffered a lot of pain.
