The Return of Abhimanyu

The Return of Abhimanyu

    Today is the age of technology. People are busy streaming youtube, download, upload, use apps, etc. It has made life easier but it has cause problems as well.

    People do not know what do they do with their phones. Some phone is hacked, personal data is leaked and some are in a horrible situation.

    Information is considered as wealth. Those who have the latest information grab the opportunity and wealth as well.

    Talking about the movie the main protagonist is the army office R. Kathiravan also called Abhimanyu and antagonist is Sathyamoorthy aka White Devil.

    The problem begins with the loan which was taken by using the forged document.

    One day they found their money is taken away by the hackers. The loan agent convinced to take the loan in a wrong way and Kathiraven is trapped. He can't even report to the police.

    The hacker made a fool. The money was Debited from the account making the transaction look like it is related to the forged document.

    Kathiravan does an investigation and finds out the network called The White Devil.

    Finally, the White Devil return the money to Kathiravan, because he was becoming a threat to The White Devil. But he makes a lot of loss to he hacker.

    This movie has given an important message to the tech lover that someone can misuse your privacy whenever you give permission. Privacy is a very important thing. It is necessary to be careful while downloading an app, give permission. It is also necessary to take precaution while sharing your personal contact.

    Technology can be helpful in the right hand and disaster in the wrong hand. So always remember, you are very innocent, and someone can track you.
